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Parenting Introduction – FREE

Comprehensive look at many important aspects of parenting.


Product Description

Within this parenting course you will find information, which will prove very helpful for you, the parent. In times past, there has been much information available on this very topic and yet we have still struggled at times with knowing exactly what to do in certain situations.

I believe this is largely because we have not fully understood the reasons for needing to have an already thought out parenting plan in place.

When we completely understand why we need to have a parenting plan and the difference this plan will make, not only making it easier to parent our children but giving our child guidance and strategies which they take with them for their entire life journey, then we will surely spend time researching the information which is available for us.

We are far more likely to implement a parenting plan when we know and understand all the many interesting facets of growth through childhood.

Our underlying wish is that our children will be well adjusted and happy.

Firstly we take a close look at the responsibility of parenting and why we need to love our children unconditionally.

We take a look back into our own childhood and this helps us to identify and understand our own feelings about our particular childhood days.

We remember the happy times, the feelings of sadness, loneliness and emptiness. We remember the punishment we received and also the encouragement to do our best, by our parents. Thinking back on these details helps us to decide which way we will parent our own children.

It is more than likely that we will take on board some of the areas which our own parents used and there will also be some areas where we decide to make changes.

Having a trust relationship with your child is paramount. Your child needs to be well connected to you and be able to believe in you.

Exhibiting compassion toward your child is also necessary. Children need you to teach them everything and during their Saturated Learning Period they need as much support, love, understanding, acceptance, encouragement and compassion as you are able to give them.

Our children need nurturance from us not indulgence.

From birth to nine years your child needs you to be in tune with them and their feelings.

This is the time when everything needs to be shown by example from you.

Being able to understand the all important area of Containment helps with parenting and nurturing the young child. Containment is where we notice whenever a child is overwhelmed with anything, i.e. trying to work out some sort of puzzle or simply trying to put their shoes on. There are many different areas where a child will feel frustration at not being able to complete some kind of challenge. A parent will notice this struggle and will take the child on their knee, soothing them and reassuring them that everything will be alright. Then a parent provides help and support for the child.

The child who has grown up with a parent who remembers this simple strategy, will learn patience and a willingness to wait for things, not having to have everything at once. This is one of the most obvious reasons why marriage relationship breaks down. A severe inability to wait for things and be patient.

This is where we firstly learn about Self Control.

Sticking up for our child and believing in them is another paramount area we need to consider. Our child needs to know we believe in them. When we take another person’s word, over our own child, we leave our child with feelings of insecurity. Our children need our protection.

Children need to be taught the massive difference between a need and a want.

Parents have the responsibility to create a healthy balance between learning and fun. We need to enjoy our parenting.

Parents model healthy eating and explain the reasons why we take care of our nutrition. Teaching your child to drink adequate water is something which your children take right throughout their life.

We take a close look at the eight different intelligences of children and it is a good idea for parents to know that each of their children will have differing characters. It is a good idea to look at the four basic temperaments of children as well. Discovering these differences will make parenting a lot easier.

Every parents wish is to raise a co-operative child. When a parent is consistent with their parenting a child will grow with feelings of security.

We discuss the importance of house rules, family meetings, reward charts and the importance of providing pocket money for your child.

Every child will learn boundaries from their parents and will need to completely understand the importance of these.

More and more these days, families are becoming disconnected from each other and the family need to spend time together, eating meals together and having a TV free night weekly at least. Sharing what each other have done for the day helps to maintain the family connection.

We discuss the importance of family traditions and rituals and make some suggestions for maintaining these.

Grandparents are a very important part of a child’s life.

Each parent has an important role to fulfil within a boy and a girls life and there are reasons for this discussed within the course.

Before we have children we need to spend at least some time thinking about the form of discipline we will use with our children. Consequences are paramount and a child needs to learn this at an early age.

A consequence is simply knowing and understanding that if I do something wrong then there will be a consequence.

Example…if I run through the house and break something, when I have been taught not to, then I will need to work hard and replace the item which I broke.

Behaviour and reward charts are extremely helpful and can be begun from as young as age 2.

The child will become very used to doing their chores and knowing what is expected from them, with the regular use of the chart. This is all explained within the course.

Many people are of the opinion that physical punishment is necessary and we describe both physical and consequential punishment.

Parents benefit from knowledge about having too high expectations of a child.

KIDS need to be kids and we need a certain amount of allowance made for us to be a kid.

There are many free, yet special gifts a parent is able to give their child, these include, Freedom of speech, Having a choice, Understanding responsibility, Learning healthy decision making, Having unconditional love shown toward them, understanding the long term effects of jealousy, and providing trust and acceptance for them.

There is a lot of information contained within this course regarding the development of the child’s personality and character formation. Information regarding the origin of particular behaviours is very useful as well. Forewarned is forearmed as they say.

We take a very close look at the journey of the teen years and provide helpful information for this often rocky time period.

At the end of this course you will be provided with a long list of helpful advice to ponder and take on board if it sits well with you.

The main thing to remember is that you are the parent, your children look to you for guidance and support and they will feel secure if you provide security for them.

They love you and believe fully in you, also look to you for their example always. Your child will grow with confidence if this is what you exhibit.

You are capable of raising your child to be a wonderful; specimen of humanity.



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