Outer Child 4


My childhood behaviour …My Adult behaviour … the connection please?

SKU: OC4 Category:

Product Description

We take a closer look now at our Outer Child and we begin to discover that we no longer need to be dogged by our unacceptable behaviour, instead we are able to identify the real reasons why we act out like we do. Our behaviour comes about as a result of a longing for positive attention, needing someone to spend time with us, a need for affection, a need for others to show empathy toward us, a need for understanding, a need for someone to give us a break, a need for acceptance and a need for recognition. Most of this could have been met within our childhood if our parents had understood our childhood needs. The problem here was that our parents had these same needs still lurking within them from their own childhood. We rely so heavily on our parents for love, support, understanding, patience and encouragement and we need our parents to model correct behaviour for us to learn from.


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