Outer Child 3


What else adds weight to my not so nice behaviour?

SKU: OC3 Category:

Product Description

Within this module we learn that sometimes it is necessary for us to dig deeper and uncover the leftover feelings and longings from our childhood. We discuss one of the biggest leftovers from childhood which is ABANDONMENT. We learn just how this will affect us in our adulthood. We are left with feelings such as disappointment, confusion, misunderstanding, criticism, judgement, anger, resentment and we feel used, hurt, let down, uncared for, not stuck up for and not listened to. We learn to exhibit compassion for our self, accept our self, understand our self, be realistic about our self, and forgive our self. We take a closer look into our character, where deeper traits may still be lurking. Sometimes these deeper traits only appear when we are faced with something which is too big for us to handle, such as job loss or financial instability.


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