Healing From Abuse 1


The beginning of my healing journey.

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Product Description

It is so nice when other people react with understanding when they know that we have been hurt in some way. Each of us deal with trauma in very different ways. It is possible to lock down and build walls around yourself, not allowing another person to reach into the dark memories of our past. The only problem here is that there is always a part of our self which is locked away and therefore our loved ones may never truly know us let alone understand us. Many times within my counselling sessions, clients present with all kinds of issues which they are having with one or other of their parents. As we begin to discover more of the facts and the history I am left wondering what kind of trauma this persons parents may have actually suffered within their former years. Many people live their whole life suffering from the effects of a traumatic experience. In this small course I present suggestions and strategies for healing of those debilitating memories. You must decide that it is your wish to heal.


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